Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Eelkooli klassi kunstitoo

Oktoobris tahistas laste algkool 50ndat aastapaeva. Selleks puhuks olid koik klassid teinud kunstitoid saali kaunistamiseks. Mulle meeldis koige enam eelkooli uhine kunstiprojekt. See oli sugise teemaline maalitud pilt puude ja lehtedega. Lehti kasutasid nad kehadena ja naod olid joonistatud paberi peale ning juusteks olid kleebitud longad. Iga laps oli kirjutanud oma nime ise tehtud "leheisiku" juurde. Hasti armas.

In October my children's school celebrated  50th Anniversary. For that occasion all the classes did some art and craft project to be hanged in the Gym. I liked the most kindergarten craft. It was fall picture with trees and leaves and a school house in one end.  They made little persons out of real leaves, using leaves for their bodies and drew their own faces on the paper and clued yarn as hair on them. It is really cute. And it was nice to go and see each child's name under their "leaf person".

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