Saturday, April 14, 2007

words words words

Sonad on tahtsad. Enamuse ajast. Nad voivad meile haiget teha, nad voivad meid roomsaks teha ja nad voivad meid motlema panna. Kuid kahjuks monikord utlevad inimesed asju, millest neil aimu pole.

Tana naiteks vestlesin inimesega, kes arvasin on mu sober. Ja ta utles midagi sellist, mis mind siiani vaevab. Jutule rohkem selgust toomiseks pean mainima, et mulle uks lahedane inimene on hetkel kriitilises olukorras ja koik pere vahendid lahevad selle inimese heaoluks. See on veidi raske, kuid ma arvan, et armastus ja lojaalsus on elus koige tahtsamad, mitte raha voi aeg naiteks.

Uhesonaga kui me raakisime elust ja surmast – elu tahendab hetkelist raskeolu ja surm tahendab elu vanaviisilist jatkamist; siis ma eeldasin, et mu sober valib elu ule surma. Kahjuks polnud mul oigus.

Ja nuud ei suuda ma unustada teise inimese arvamust ega talle andestada.

Words are powerful things. Most of the time. They might hurt, they might make you happy, and they might make you think. But sometimes people say things that they have no idea what they talking about. Its sad and its unfortunate.

Today for example I was talking to a person I consider a friend. And she made a comment that still-hunts me. Lets just say I have somebody who is in critical condition and all my family resources are going to for that person’s well being at the moment. It’s hard but I think that love, passion, and loyalty are above all things in life and other things are important (money and time), but shouldn’t hold first place.

So when we are talking about life and death- life means hardship and death means going back to rat race; I assume that my friend is supporting life and death is not an option at all. But unfortunately I was wrong.

Now I can’t forget this person’s opinion and I can’t forgive her.

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